Personalized. Proven. Fun!
Every child is unique! Children benefit most when all aspects of their development are nurtured. For this reason, we carefully assess every child's individual needs and personalize their therapy by incorporating the programs specific to those needs. We assist our clients using the approved techniques listed below. Select any service from the list below to view more details.
TLFI Programs
- Sensory Integration and Regulation
- Masgutova Neuro-Sensory Motor Reflex Integration (MNRI)
- Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)
- Feeding (SOS, Beckman)
- Visual -Perceptual Problem Solving
- Handwriting Strategies
Other Approaches
Speech T herapy Programs
Our dedicated team is here to help unlock your child's full potential, and to provide both you and your child with the tools essential to their development. Contact us today to arrange a consultation, free of charge, and learn how your child can benefit from our Services.