the Learning Fountain

Personalized. Proven. Fun!

Every child is unique! Children benefit most when all aspects of their development are nurtured. For this reason, we carefully assess every child's individual needs and personalize their therapy by incorporating the programs specific to those needs. We assist our clients using the approved techniques listed below. Select any service from the list below to view more details.

TLFI Programs

Other Approaches

Speech T herapy Programs

Our dedicated team is here to help unlock your child's full potential, and to provide both you and your child with the tools essential to their development. Contact us today to arrange a consultation, free of charge, and learn how your child can benefit from our Services.

here's nolan!

Nolan had received school-based therapy for over one year prior to coming to TLFI. He was five years old, and his parents worried about his motor challenges. He walked or ran on his tip-toes most of the time, and was unable to pedal his tricycle, hop on one leg, play hopscotch, or walk on a balance beam. He also had difficulty with his pencil grip and letter formation.

Nolan's program at TLFI included postural and dynamic reflex integration, sensory integration and neuro-developmental treatment, handwriting strategies, and family training for follow-through at home. Within eight sessions, his tip-toeing had greatly decreased and his overall balance and confidence were much improved. He began to hop on one leg and play hopscotch successfully. Best of all, he started riding his bike (with training wheels). Within four months, his letter formation improved and he began enjoying writing activities too!