the Learning Fountain

For Your Convenience...

Below, we have provided access to a variety of documents and resources. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question or need assistance.

Getting Started - New Patient Forms

These forms will need to be completed prior to your visit. Please download, complete them and bring them to your first appointment. There may be some questions you are unable to answer, if you need assistance, our therapists will be available to help you when you arrive...

Swallowing/Feeding Therapy Instructions and Forms

These forms help us assess your child's areas of need. Please fill them out as complete as possible.

Additional Resources

Suggested Reading

  • The Out of Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A.
  • The Sensory Processing Disorder Answer Book, Tara Delaney, MS, OTR/L
  • Understanding Your Child's Sensory Signals, A Practical Daily Use Handbook for Parents and Teachers, Angie Voss, OTR

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meet remy!

Remy was a year old when he first came to TLFI with sensory issues, negative supporting reflex, and oral muscualture weakness with additional complications. He was unable to stand without support, and required a Gastrostomy Tube (G-Tube) to provide him with nourishment.

Remy started therapy. His family received training and instruction for using sensory diet activities, techniques for reflex integration, oral-sensory and oral-motor excercise, and strategies for feeding. Two months later, he began walking without support. Five months later, he was able to walk about while carrying larger objects! Remy must still rely on his G-Tube, but improved strength in his oral musculature has increased his food repertoire and his ablility to use a straw!